Selasa, 30 Juni 2015

Furniture: The Art of Traditional Chinese Furniture

Furniture: The Art of Traditional Chinese Furniture

Seri: Traditional Chinese Culture in Taiwan No. 8
Penerbit: Shaw Yu-ming, Kwang hwa Publishing Company, Taipei, September 1991.

Architecture: The Art of Chinese Architecture

Architecture: The Art of Chinese Architecture

Seri: Traditional Chinese Culture in Taiwan No. 7
Penerbit: Shaw Yu-ming, Kwang Hwa Publishing Company, Taipei, September 1991.

Encyclopedia of World Cultures, Volume VI: Russia and Eurasia/China

Encyclopedia of World Cultures, Volume VI: Russia and Eurasia/China

Vol. Editor: Paul Friedrich, Norma Diamond
Penerbit: G.K. Hall & Co. dan Prentice Hall International,  1994.

Tersedia bagian:
*Hakka (hlm. 436-439)
*Han (hlm. 439-449)

Melakan Architecture

Melakan Architecture

Penulis: E.J. Seow
Sumber: Kernial Singh Sandhu dan Paul Wheatley (Eds.), Melaka: The Transformation of a Malay Capital c. 1400-1980, Volume One. Institute of Southeast Asian Studies dan Oxford University Press, 1983, hlm. 770-781.

Perkembangan Kota Abad XX

Perkembangan Kota Abad XX

Penulis: Lina Purnama
Sumber: Makalah pada Temu Karya Ilmiah Fakultas Teknik Universitas Tarumanagara 1995, Jakarta 24-25 Juli 1995.

Perkembangan Kota Malang pada Jaman Kolonial (1914-1940)

Perkembangan Kota Malang pada Jaman Kolonial (1914-1940)

Penulis: Handinoto
Sumber: Dimensi, Edisi Fakultas Teknik Jurusan Teknik Arsitektur, Volume 22/ARS, September 1996, hlm. 40-78.

The Cambridge Encyclopedia of China

The Cambridge Encyclopedia of China

Editor: Brian Hook
Penerbit: Cambridge University Press, 1991.

Tersedia bagian:
Land and Resources: Geographical and Climatic Regions (hlm. 16-33)
Peoples (hlm. 72-90)
The Mind and Senses of China: Words and Signs (hlm. 324-339)

City as a Mirror of Society: China, Tradition and Transformation

City as a Mirror of Society: China, Tradition and Transformation

Penulis: Rhoads Murphey
Sumber: John A. Agnew, John Mercer dan David E. Sopher (Eds.), The City in Cultural Context. Boston: Allen & Unwin, 1984. Hlm. 186-204.

Revitalisasi Bangunan Sang Mayor (Gedung Candra Naya)

Revitalisasi Bangunan Sang Mayor (Gedung Candra Naya)

Penulis: Naniek Widayati
Sumber: Makalah pada Temu Karya Ilmiah Fakultas Teknik Universitas Tarumanagara 1995, Jakarta 24-25 Juli 1995.

Spatial Order and Police in Imperial Beijing

Spatial Order and Police in Imperial Beijing

Penulis: Alison Dray-Novey
Sumber: Journal of Asian Studies, 52, No. 4, November 1993, hlm. 885-922.

Cultural Values In Wood And Stone

Cultural Values In Wood And Stone

Penulis: Tseng Li-ling
Sumber: Free China Review, Desember 1988, hlm. 36-47.

"June 1977, Ta-an District, Taipei. Time had been set for expanding Tunhua South Road into a 70-meter wide tree-planted avenue, turning it into one of Taipei's major north-south roads by the following year. By this time, normal procedures concerning purchasing land in the right-of-way, removing buildings and other obstacles, and overall construction planning were either completed or well underway. City planners expected more than an attractive thoroughfare from all their efforts. Along both sides of the proposed route of Tunhua Road, the area looked especially promising for upscale urban development. ... But Taipei residents were thinking more about the past than the present when considering the planned route for Tunhua South Road. In the midst of the area to be cleared stood a unique home, located at 141 Ssuwei Road—a residence noted not only because of its age 150 years, but also because it represented a major chapter in the history of Taipei, and of Taiwan itself. For residents with a keen sense of the past, and a concern about historical preservation for the sake of their own children, the Lin An-tai Old Homestead brought floods of memories to mind: recent recollections of children playing in the home's large courtyard, and earlier ones of rice drying in scattered piles on the large flagstone area, fronted by an exquisitely-carved gate and beneath the swallowtail roofline."

The Yuan Dynasty Capital, Ta-Tu: Imperial Building Program and Bureaucracy

The Yuan Dynasty Capital, Ta-Tu: Imperial Building Program and Bureaucracy

Penulis: Cary Y. Liu
Sumber: T'oung Pao, Vol. LXXVIII, 1992, Livr. 4-5, hlm. 264-301.
Hubungan Cina-Amerika Serikat: Menjaga Perimbangan di Asia-Pasifik

Penulis: Rene L. Pattiradjawane
Sumber: Makalah pada Diskusi Asia Timur dan Amerika Serikat dalam Era George W. Bush, kerjasama Lembaga Penelitian Unika Atma Jaya dan Pusat Studi Cina. Jakarta, 21 April 2001.

Kebijakan Amerika Serikat terhadap Taiwan

Kebijakan Amerika Serikat terhadap Taiwan

Penulis: I. Wibowo
Sumber: Makalah pada Diskusi Asia Timur dan Amerika Serikat dalam Era George W. Bush, kerjasama Lembaga Penelitian Unika Atma Jaya dan Pusat Studi Cina. Jakarta, 21 April 2001.

Symphonies in Stone

Symphonies in Stone

Penulis: Huang Wen-ling
Sumber: Free China Review, July 1996, hlm. 28-34.

"Temples can be confusing to the uninitiated. many of them turn out to have a surprising number of features in common - not least, the consummate craftmanship that adorns them."

Celestial Support Industries

Celestial Support Industries

Penulis: Huang Wen-ling
Sumber: Free China Review, July 1996, hlm. 20-27.

"Fortunetellers, hawkers, embroiderers, bakers, carvers: Taiwan's temples attract an amazing variety of businesses to their environs. And the gods smile down on them - or some of them at least."

Places of the Heart

Places of the Heart

Penulis: Jessie Cheng
Sumber: Free China Review, July 1996, hlm. 12-19.

"Temples in Taiwan are much more than houses of worship. They have long been focal points for social activities of every kind, and an increasing number of them are looking for other ways to serve the community."

Architect As Preservationist

Architect As Preservationist

Penulis: Tseng Li-ling
Sumber: Free China Review, December 1988, hlm. 48-53.

"June 26, 1978. The news of the dismantling of the Lin An-tai Old Homestead prompted extensive mass media coverage, with the focus of attention finally on the confrontation between the Taipei Municipal Government and the 300-member Lin family... Little did anyone know at the time, however, that the battle for preservation had only begun."

Tradition Competes with the Wrecking Ball

Tradition Competes with the Wrecking Ball

Penulis: Yu Chang-shan
Sumber: Free China Review, Vol. 43, No. 12, December 1993, hlm. 58-68.

"The 100 turn-of-the-century buildings along Minchuan Street in Sanhsia were designated national historical sites in 1991. but soaring land prices have led many owners to switch from supporting preservation to promoting development."

Feng-Shui: An Example of Sense of Coherence in Chinese Geomancy?

Feng-Shui: An Example of Sense of Coherence in Chinese Geomancy?

Penulis: Bernard W. K. Lau
Sumber: Asian Culture, Asian-Pacific Culture Quarterly, Volume XXIV, No. 4, Winter, 1996, hlm. 55-61.

Orientations Volume 25, Number 1, January 1994: Special Edition of the Huizhou Architecture and Design, Huizhou District, Southern Anhui Province

Orientations Volume 25, Number 1, January 1994: Special Edition of the Huizhou Architecture and Design, Huizhou District, Southern Anhui Province


"Heavenly Wells" in Ming Dynasty Huizhou Architecture (Cary Y. Liu), hlm. 28-36
"The Quintessence of Huizhou Temple Architecture: Baolunge Ancestral Shrine (Li Hong), hlm. 37-40
"The Monumental Stone Arches of Huizhou" (Li Hong), hlm. 41-45
"Ornamental Panel Paintings on Huihou Houses (Nancy Berliner), hlm. 47-50
"Wang Tingna and Illustrated Book Publishing in Huizhou (Nancy Berliner), hlm. 67-75

The Planning for Ping Jiang Traditional Housing District in the Old City of Suzhou: A Systematic Approach to Housing Redevelopment

The Planning for Ping Jiang Traditional Housing District in the Old City of Suzhou: A Systematic Approach to Housing Redevelopment

Penulis: Ke Jianmin
Sumber: Makalah dipresentasikan pada International Workshop on Housing "Urban Coherence and Housing Strategies", Bandung 1990.

Sui Yangdi and the Building of Sui-Tang Luoyang

Sui Yangdi and the Building of Sui-Tang Luoyang

Penulis: Victor Cunrui Xiong
Sumber: Journal of Asian Studies, 52, No. 1, February 1993, hlm. 66-89.

The Rural Settlements in the Eighteen Provinces of China

The Rural Settlements in the Eighteen Provinces of China

Penulis: D. Hartmut Scholz
Sumber: Sinologica III, No. 1, 1953, hlm. 37-49.

Commercial Differentiation in a Chinese City: The Example of Ningpo in the 1930s

Commercial Differentiation in a Chinese City: The Example of Ningpo in the 1930s

Penulis: Shiba Yoshinobu
Sumber: East Asian Cultural Studies, Volume XXIX, March 1990, No. 1-4, hlm. 129-161. [Edisi makalah proyek penelitian "Architectural Design and Urban Planning in Asian Countries" periode 1983-1988]

Pergeseran Lokasi Pemukiman Orang Cina di Kota Banten Lama Abad XVI-XIX (Berdasarkan Pengamatan Peta Kuna Kota Banten)

Pergeseran Lokasi Pemukiman Orang Cina di Kota Banten Lama Abad XVI-XIX (Berdasarkan Pengamatan Peta Kuna Kota Banten)

Penulis: Widya Nayati
Sumber: Berkala Arkeologi, Vol. VI No. 2, Sepetember 1985, hlm. 70-83.

Pink-Walled and Black-Tiled Houses in Zhenhe

Pink-Walled and Black-Tiled Houses in Zhenhe

Penulis: Leng Hanbing
Foto: Zheng Xiang, Yu Zemin
Sumber: China Pictorial, No. 5, Vol 575, 1996, hlm. 40-41.

Updating a Chinese Tradition: Canal-side Living

Updating a Chinese Tradition: Canal-side Living

Penulis: Clifford A. Pearson
Sumber: Architectural Record, 7, July 1996, 4th Annual Pacific Rim Section, hlm. PR34-PR37.

Symmetry and Balance in the Layout of the Sui-Tang Palace-City of Chang'an

Symmetry and Balance in the Layout of the Sui-Tang Palace-City of Chang'an

Penulis: Saehyang P. Chung
Sumber: Atribus Asiae, Vol. LVI, 1/2, 1996, hlm. 5-17.

The Word on Everyone's Lips

The Word on Everyone's Lips

Penulis: David Lague
Sumber: Far Eastern Economic Review, August 30, 2001, hlm. 66-68.

"Often regarded as just a dialect, Cantonese is the language of power and daily life in post-handover Hong kong. But are its days numbered?"

Dai Bamboo Stilt Houses

Dai Bamboo Stilt Houses

Penulis: Xiao Han
Foto: Chen Jian
Sumber: China Pictorial, Vol. 574, no. 4, 1996, hlm. 46-48.

Hakka Earthen Buildings in Southwestern Fujian Province

Hakka Earthen Buildings in Southwestern Fujian Province

Teks dan Foto: Chen Erkang
Sumber: China Pictorial, Vol. 573, No. 3, 1996, hlm. 22-25.

Cave Houses and Their Residents

Cave Houses and Their Residents (Residential Houses in China Series)

Penulis: Leng Hanbing
Foto: Zhang Changjiang
Sumber: China Pictorial, No. 2, Vol. 572, 1996, hlm. 31-33.

Kebudajaan Tionghoa Peranakan

Kebudajaan Tionghoa Peranakan

Penulis: F.T.
Sumber: Star, No. 386, 23 Mei 1953, hlm. 15.

Han-style Houses in Southern Fujian

Han-style Houses in Southern Fujian

Foto & Teks: Chen Erkang
Sumber: China Pictorial, No. 6, Vol. 576, 1996, hlm. 24-26.

Hakka Mausoleums in North Taiwan

Hakka Mausoleums in North Taiwan

Penulis: Howard J. Martin
Sumber: Ethnology, Vol. XXX, No. 1, January 1991, hlm. 85-99.

Administration of Maritime Trade during Tang and Song Dynasties

Administration of Maritime Trade during Tang and Song Dynasties

Penulis: Tansen Sen
Sumber: China Report, Vol 32, No. 3, 1996, hlm. 251-267.

Rural Housing and Village Transformation in Taiwan and Fujian

Rural Housing and Village Transformation in Taiwan and Fujian

Penulis: Ronald G. Knapp
Sumber: The China Quarterly 147, September 1996, hlm. 779-794.

Economic Transformation and Socio-Political Trends in Sixteenth-Century East Asia

Economic Transformation and Socio-Political Trends in Sixteenth-Century East Asia

Penulis: Yi Tae-jin (Seoul National Univ.)
Sumber: Seoul Journal of Korean Studies, Vol. 4, Desember 1991, hlm. 73-100.

The 1950 Marriage Law: Popular Resistance and Organizational Neglect

The 1950 Marriage Law: Popular Resistance and Organizational Neglect 

Penulis: Kay Ann Johnson
Sumber: Kay Ann Johnson, Women, the Family, and Peasant Revolution in China, The University of Chicago Press, 1985, Bab 9, hlm. 115-137.

Decision-Making in China's Rural Economy: The Linkages Between Village Leaders and Farm Households

Decision-Making in China's Rural Economy: The Linkages Between Village Leaders and Farm Households

Penulis: Scott Rozelle
Sumber: The China Quarterly,  No. 137, March 1994, hlm. 99-124

Senin, 29 Juni 2015

The Expression Tho-Kho

The Expression Tho-Kho

Penulis: J.V. Mills
Sumber: Journal of the Malayan branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Volume XVI, Part 1, Juli 1938, hlm. 137-138.

Catatan: tulisan ini menguraikan tentang asal mula kata "Toko"

Chinese Economic Activity in Netherlands India: Selected Translations from the Dutch

Chinese Economic Activity in Netherlands India: Selected Translations from the Dutch

Data paper series: sources for the economic history of Southeast Asia, No. 2
Editor: M.R. Fernando, David Bulbeck
Penerbit: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore, 1992.

(Hindia Belanda, Indonesia, Etnis Tionghoa, Ekonomi, Sejarah)

  • Introduction / M.R. Fernando
  • The changing economic position of the Chinese in Netherlands India / Phoa Liong Gie
  • Chinese control over rural trade in Java in the mid-nineteenth century / Anonymous contributors
  • Effects of the revenue farming system / L. Vitalis
  • The power of the money-lenders in Java ; A plea for tighter controls on Chinese revenue farming and immigration / F. Fokkens
  • Statistical section / M.R. Fernando and David Bulbeck
  • The Chinese business community in Netherlands India. Kongsi and companies ; The credit system ; 'Hwe' Chinese credit circles (Julu-julu) ; Speculation and the futures trade ; The Chinese business community today in the various parts of Netherlands India / edited by J.L. Vleming, jnr. [catatan: untuk bagian tulisan Vleming ini silakan membaca lengkap pada buku Kongsi dan Spekulasi]

The Overseas Trade of Quanzhou in the Song Dynasty

The Overseas Trade of Quanzhou in the Song Dynasty

Penulis: Angela Schottenhammer
Sumber: IIAS Newsletter No. 9, Summer, 1996, hlm. 45.

Research on the Hui People and Islam in Ningxia

Research on the Hui People and Islam in Ningxia

Penulis: Yu Zhengui
Sumber: Asian Research Trends, No. 2, 1992, hlm. 227-232.

Everyday Life among Chinese Muslims in Beijing

Everyday Life among Chinese Muslims in Beijing

Penulis: Lin Song
Sumber: Asian Research Trends, No. 1, 1991, hlm. 183-204.

Recent Developments in Chinese Islamic Studies Series 1, 2, 3

Recent Developments in Chinese Islamic Studies Series  1, 2, 3

Penulis: Sato Tsugitaka, Nakajima Motoki
Sumber: Asian Research Trends: a Humanities and Social Sciences Review, Tokyo: the Centre for East Asian Cultural Studies.

Seri lengkap:
Recent Developments in Chinese Islamic Studies (1): Survey of Research Institutions in Beijing, Lanzhou, and Quanzhou. Asian Research Trends, No. 1, 1991, hlm. 157-179.

Recent Developments in Chinese Islamic Studies (2): Survey of Research Institutions in Xinjiang, Shanghai, and Ningxia. Asian Research Trends, No. 2, 1992, hlm. 205-224.

Recent Developments in Chinese Islamic Studies (3): Survey of Research Institutions in Yunnan. Asian Research Trends, No. 3, 1993, hlm. 131-142.

The Evolution of Chinese Language

The Evolution of Chinese Language

Penulis: Lo Ch'ing
Sumber: The Chinese Pen, Winter 1989, hlm. 30-40 [Editor: Nancy Chang Ing. Taipei Chinese Center, Taipei]

An Historical Study of the Establishment of Chinese Diplomatic Organs

An Historical Study of the Establishment of Chinese Diplomatic Organs

Speech delivered at the 35th Anniversary of the Chung Hwa Hui, April 15th, 1946, by H.E. Dr. Tung Ling, Ambassador of the Republic of China to the Netherlands

Chung Hwa Hui - Nederland, Brochures, Nummer 1, Drukkerij"Luctor et Emergo", Leiden.

An Essay on the Primitive Meaning of the Character 鬼

An Essay on the Primitive Meaning of the Character 鬼

Penulis: Shen Chien-shih
Penerjemah: Ying Ch'ien-li
Sumber: Monumenta Serica, Journal of Oriental Studies of the Catholic University of Peking, Vol. II, 1936-1937, hlm. 1-20.

China-India Relations in the Post-Soviet Era: the Continuing Rivalry

China-India Relations in the Post-Soviet Era: the Continuing Rivalry

Penulis: J. Mohan Malik
Sumber: The China Quarterly, Volume 142, June 1995, hlm. 317-355.

Chinese Nationalism and Foreign Policy After Deng

Chinese Nationalism and Foreign Policy After Deng

Penulis: Allen S. Whiting
Sumber: The China Quarterly, Volume 142, June 1995, hlm. 295-316.

东马客家移民史略 [A Brief History of the Hakka Immigrants in East Malaysia]

[A Brief History of the Hakka Immigrants in East Malaysia]

Penulis: 饶尚东 (Niew Shong Tong)
Sumber: Asian Culture 《亚洲文化》 17, June 1993, hlm. 187-195.

福建省侨乡地区的地理学考察: 其地区特色和海外移居地的相互关系 [A Geographical Study of Emigrant Districts in Fujian – The Inter-Relationship Between Their Area Characteristics and Settlement Overseas]

福建省侨乡地区的地理学考察: 其地区特色和海外移居地的相互关系
[A Geographical Study of Emigrant Districts in Fujian – The Inter-Relationship Between Their Area Characteristics and Settlement Overseas]

Penulis: 山下清海 (Kiyomi Yamashita), 潘明智译 (Phua Beng Tee Tran)
Sumber:  Asian Culture 《亚洲文化》 17, June 1993, hlm. 176-186.

马尼拉华人的闽南地方神崇拜 [The Worship of Southern Fujianese Native Deities among the Chinese in Manila]

[The Worship of Southern Fujianese Native Deities among the Chinese in Manila]

Penulis: 陈衍德
Sumber: Asian Culture 《亚洲文化》 17, June 1993, hlm. 168-175.

Taoke or Coolies? Chinese Visions of the Chinese Diaspora

Taoke or Coolies? Chinese Visions of the Chinese Diaspora

Penulis: Claudine Salmon
Sumber: Archipel 26, 1983, hlm. 179-210.

The Fujian Tea Industry and Its Export Relation with the Taiwan Tea Industry in the Nineteenth Century

The Fujian Tea Industry and Its Export Relation with the Taiwan Tea Industry in the Nineteenth Century

Penulis: Zhuang Guotu
Sumber: Ming Qing Yanjiu, 1998, hlm. 111-130. [Editor: Paulo Santangelo, Dipartimento di Studi Asiatici Instituto Universitario Orientale Napoli, Instituto Italiano perl'Africa e 'lOriente Roma]

Pergolakan di Republik Rakjat Tjina dan Pengaruhnja Terhadap Indonesia

Pergolakan di Republik Rakjat Tjina dan Pengaruhnja Terhadap Indonesia

Staf Pertahanan Keamanan, Direktorat Strategi Sosial Politik
Naskah No. L.N.-029-67, 1967.

Une Culture Revolue? Le Pasisir Javanais de Gresik a Rembang

Une Culture Revolue? Le Pasisir Javanais de Gresik a Rembang

Foto: Paul Piollet
Komentar: Claudine Salmon, Denys Lombard
Sumber: Archipel 51, 1996, hlm. 95-112.

Tiga Matjam Kebudajaan jang Mempengaruhi Tjara Hidup Peranakan Tionghoa

Tiga Matjam Kebudajaan jang Mempengaruhi Tjara Hidup Peranakan Tionghoa

Penulis: Ong Hok Ham
Sumber: Star, no. 654, 12 Djuli 1958, hlm. 19-21.

The Chinese Abroad: How the Chinese Sojourners Adjusted Themselves in the Southeast Asian Context

The Chinese Abroad: How the Chinese Sojourners Adjusted Themselves in the Southeast Asian Context

Penulis: Leonard Blusse
Sumber: Makalah Seminar "Orang Indonesia-Tionghoa: Manusia dan Kebudayaannya", diselenggarakan oleh Yayasan Mitra Museum Indonesia dan Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia, LIPI Jakarta, 1-2 November 2000.

Overseas Chinese

Overseas Chinese

Sumber: Patricia Herbert dan Anthony Milner (Eds.), Southeast Asia Languages and Literatures: A Select Guide. South-East Asia Library Group.
Penerbit: Kiscadale Publications, hlm. 171-182.

From Quanzhou to the Sulu Zone and Beyond: Questions Related to the Early Fourteenth Century

From Quanzhou to the Sulu Zone and Beyond: Questions Related to the Early Fourteenth Century

Penulis: Roderich Ptak
Sumber: Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 29, No. 2, September 1998, hlm. 269-294.

The Wugongchuan (Centipede Ships) and the Portuguese

The Wugongchuan (Centipede Ships) and the Portuguese

Penulis: Roderich Ptak
Sumber: Review of Culture (Revista de Cultura), International Edition 5, January 2003, hlm. 73-83.

Evolution and Principles of Punishment in Ancient China

Evolution and Principles of Punishment in Ancient China

Penulis: Gao Huanyue
Sumber: China Law, Vol. 4, 1996, hlm. 87-89.71.

Chinese Ideographs and Western Ideas

Chinese Ideographs and Western Ideas

Penulis: Chad Hansen
Sumber: Journal of Asian Studies 52, No. 2, May 1993, hlm. 373-399.

From Skipper to Deified Ancestor: the Worship of Kongco in East Java and Bali (18th-20th Centuries)

From Skipper to Deified Ancestor: the Worship of Kongco in East Java and Bali (18th-20th Centuries)

Penulis: Claudine Salmon, Myra Sidharta
Sumber: Asian Culture 24, Juni 2000, hlm. 1-25.

China's Place in the Region: the Search for Allies and Friends

China's Place in the Region: the Search for Allies and Friends

Penulis: Wang Gungwu
Sumber: The 1997 Panglaykim Memorial Lecture, Jakarta, 15 Oktober 1997.

Han, Tjoa, dan The di Surabaja: Tiga Famili Elite Peranakan di Abad ke-19

Han, Tjoa, dan The di Surabaja: Tiga Famili Elite Peranakan di Abad ke-19

Penulis: Ong Hok Ham
Sumber: Star, no. 656, 26 Djuli 1958, hlm. 6-8.

Family Quarrels in a North Malayan Teochiu Chinese Vegetable-Growing Community

Family Quarrels in a North Malayan Teochiu Chinese Vegetable-Growing Community

Penulis: W.H. Newell
Sumber: American Anthropologist, Vo. 59, 1957, hlm. 266-277.

Territorial Patterns among Chinese Secret Societies in Singapore and Peninsular Malaysia: Some Tentative Findings

Territorial Patterns among Chinese Secret Societies in Singapore and Peninsular Malaysia: Some Tentative Findings

Penulis: Mak Lau-Fong, Aline Wong
Sumber: Journal of Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Vol. LI, Part 1, 1978, hlm. 36-45.

Orang Cina di Welahan, Jepara

Orang Cina di Welahan, Jepara

Penulis: Djuhar Noor
Sumber: Lembaran Sastra, Universitas Diponegoro Semarang, No. 16, 1992-1993, hlm. 291-314.

Tjapgomeh di Djakarta Mulai Berubah Sifatnja

Tjapgomeh di Djakarta Mulai Berubah Sifatnja

Penulis: Koresponden "Star"
Sumber: Star, No. 531, 3 Maret 1956, hlm. 4-5.

Capitalism and Addiction: the Chinese, Revenue Farming, and Opium in Colonial Singapore and Java, 1800-1910

Capitalism and Addiction: the Chinese, Revenue Farming, and Opium in Colonial Singapore and Java, 1800-1910 

(Review Essay of "Opium and Empire: Chinese Society in Colonial Singapore, 1800-1910" by Carl A. Trocki and "Opium to Java: Revenue Farming and Chinese Enterprise in Colonial Indonesia 1860-1910" by James R. Rush)

Penulis: James Francis Warren
Sumber: Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars, Vol. 27, No. 1, 1995, hlm. 59-72.

Fuchienese Commercial Expansion into the Nanyang as Mirrored in the Tung Hsi Yang K'ao

Fuchienese Commercial Expansion into the Nanyang as Mirrored in the Tung Hsi Yang K'ao

Penulis: Leonard Blusse, Zhuang Guotu
Sumber: Makalah pada International Seminar "Harbour Cities Along the Silk Roads", Surabaya Indonesia, 9-14 Januari 1991.

The Role of Tuban in History

The Role of Tuban in History

Penulis: Sri Soejatmi Satari
Sumber: Makalah pada International Seminar "Harbour Cities Along the Silk Roads", Surabaya Indonesia, 9-14 Januari 1991.

San Fu Qi, Its Dependent Port States and the Trade Among Them (A Study on the Description by Zhao Rukua)

San Fu Qi, Its Dependent Port States and the Trade Among Them (A Study on the Description by Zhao Rukua)

Penulis: Liu Yingsheng (Nanjing Univ.), Adrian B. Lapian (LIPI)
Sumber: Makalah pada International Seminar "Harbour Cities Along the Silk Roads", Surabaya Indonesia, 9-14 Januari 1991.

Chinese Trade to Batavia during the Days of the V.O.C.

Chinese Trade to Batavia during the Days of the V.O.C.

Penulis: Leonard Blusse
Sumber: "Trade and Shipping in the Southern Seas", Selected Readings from Archipel 18 (1979) for SPAFA Consultative Workshop on Research on Maritime Shipping and Trade Networks in Southeast Asia (I-W7), Cisarua Indonesia, 20-27 November 1984, hlm. 123-139.

Chinese Navigators in Insulinde about A.D. 1500

Chinese Navigators in Insulinde about A.D. 1500

Penulis: J.V. Mills

Sumber: "Trade and Shipping in the Southern Seas", Selected Readings from Archipel 18 (1979) for SPAFA Consultative Workshop on Research on Maritime Shipping and Trade Networks in Southeast Asia (I-W7), Cisarua Indonesia, 20-27 November 1984, hlm. 37-63.

A 13th Century Vessel Found with Its Cargo in the Ancorage of "Zaitun"

A 13th Century Vessel Found with Its Cargo in the Ancorage of "Zaitun"

Penulis: Claudine Salmon, Denys Lombard
Sumber: "Trade and Shipping in the Southern Seas", Selected Readings from Archipel 18 (1979) for SPAFA Consultative Workshop on Research on Maritime Shipping and Trade Networks in Southeast Asia (I-W7), Cisarua Indonesia, 20-27 November 1984, hlm. 27-36.

Masyarakat Cina di Batavia

Masyarakat Cina di Batavia

Penulis: Gondomono
Sumber: Makalah Seminar "Menyongsong Masa Depan Jakarta Melalui Pelestarian Candra Naya", 30 April 1994, Museum Sejarah Jakarta.

Pepper Trade in East Asia

Pepper Trade in East Asia

Penulis: Ts'ao Yung-ho
Sumber: T'oung Pao, Vol. LXVIII, Livr. 4-5, 1982, hlm. 221-247. [Leiden: E.J. Brill]

Apa Sebab Bangsa Tionghoa di Djakarta Berdiriken Kong Tong (Kong Koan)?: satoe lembaran dari riwajat Tionghoa di Djakarta

Apa Sebab Bangsa Tionghoa di Djakarta Berdiriken Kong Tong (Kong Koan)?: satoe lembaran dari riwajat Tionghoa di Djakarta

Penulis: Phoa Kian Sioe
Sumber: Pantja Warna, No. 11, Agustus 1949, hlm. 20-22.

The Rise and Fall of Sino-Javanese Shipping

The Rise and Fall of Sino-Javanese Shipping

Penulis: Anthony Reid
Sumber: V.J.H. Houben, H.M.J. Meijer, dan W. van der Molen (Eds.), Looking in Odd Mirrors: the Java Sea. SEMAIAN 5. Leiden: Vakgroep Talen en Culturen van Zuidoost-Azie en Oceanie. Rijkuniversiteit te Leiden, 1992, hlm. 177-211.

Wind, Water, Bones and Souls: the Religious World of the Cantonese Peasant

Wind, Water, Bones and Souls: the Religious World of the Cantonese Peasant

Penulis: Jack M. Potter
Sumber: Journal of Oriental Studies, January 1970, hlm. 139-143.

Death and Abuse in Marriage Laments: The Curse of Chinese Brides

Death and Abuse in Marriage Laments: The Curse of Chinese Brides

Penulis: C. Fred Blake
Sumber: Asian Folklore Studies, Vol. XXXVII Part 1, 1978, hlm. 13-33.

The Portuguese Settlement at Macao: The Portuguese Policy of Expansion in the Far East, in Light of the History of Chinese and Japanese Intercourse and Maritime Activities

The Portuguese Settlement at Macao: The Portuguese Policy of Expansion in the Far East, in Light of the History of Chinese and Japanese Intercourse and Maritime Activities

Penulis: Patrizia Carioti
Sumber: Review of Culture (Revista de Cultura), International Edition No. 6, April 2003, hlm. 24-39.
Edisi: Sino-Japanese Relations and the Macao Link

(Macao, Sejarah, Permukiman, Portugis, China)

The Ryukyu Network in the Fifteenth and Early Sixteenth Centuries

The Ryukyu Network in the Fifteenth and Early Sixteenth Centuries

Penulis: Roderick Ptak
Sumber: Review of Culture (Revista de Cultura), International Edition No. 6, April 2003, hlm. 6-23.
Edisi: Sino-Japanese Relations and the Macao Link

Minggu, 28 Juni 2015



Penulis: Pa Chin [Ba Jin]
Kata Pengantar: Olga Lang
Penerbit: Anchor Books, Doubleday & Co. Inc., New York, 1972

Imperial Woman

Imperial Woman

Penulis: Pearl S. Buck
Penerbit: Methuen & Co. Ltd, London, 1956

(Sastra, Novel, Dinasti Qing, Pearl S. Buck)

Asal Mula dan Perkembangan Aksara Han

Asal Mula dan Perkembangan Aksara Han

Penulis: Hermina Sutami
Sumber: Lembaran Sastra Universitas Indonesia No. 19, Februari 1993, hlm. 43-68

(China, Bahasa, Aksara)

Beberapa Catatan Mengenai Peran Bahasa Indonesia dalam Kehidupan Bermasyarakat, Bernegara, dan Berbangsa

Beberapa Catatan Mengenai Peran Bahasa Indonesia dalam Kehidupan Bermasyarakat, Bernegara, dan Berbangsa

Penulis: Mely G. Tan
Sumber: Makalah Kongres Bahasa Indonesia VII, Jakarta, 26-30 Oktober 1998

(Istilah, Cina, Tionghoa)



Editor: 周慧芳
Penerbit: 中国计划出版社, 1998

(Desain Interior, Arsitektur)

Kyoto: Its Cityscape Traditions and Heritage (Process Architecture No. 116)

Kyoto: Its Cityscape Traditions and Heritage (Process Architecture No. 116)

Editor: Masahumi Yamasaki
Penerbit: Process Architecture Co. Ltd., Tokyo, 1994

(Jepang, Kyoto, Arsitektur, Perkotaan)

Orang Jawa dan Masyarakat Cina (1755-1825)

Orang Jawa dan Masyarakat Cina (1755-1825)

Penulis: Peter Carey
Judul asli: Changing Javanese perceptions of the Chinese Communities in Central Java 1755-1825
Penerbit: Pustaka Azet, 1985

(Orang Jawa, Etnis Tionghoa, Sejarah)


Buku Peringatan Dua Tahun Perkumpulan Hakka Indonesia

Penerbit: Perkumpulan Hakka Indonesia, 2001

(Indonesia, Perkumpulan Tionghoa, Hakka)

Dasawarsa Reuni Akbar 1979-1989 Alumni PH-JPP dan Lima Tahun Berdirinya Yayasan Pancaran Hidup

Dasawarsa Reuni Akbar 1979-1989 Alumni PH-JPP dan Lima Tahun Berdirinya Yayasan Pancaran Hidup

Penerbit: Yayasan Pancaran Hidup, Jakarta, 1990

(Jakarta, Pa Hoa)

Buku Acara Seminar Nasional "Warna Budaya Tionghoa dalam Mosaik Budaya Indonesia" Pekan Kebudayaan Tionghoa

Buku Acara Seminar Nasional "Warna Budaya Tionghoa dalam Mosaik Budaya Indonesia" Pekan Kebudayaan Tionghoa

Penulis makalah: Esther Kuntjara, Gondomono, Leo Idra Ardiana, Nyak Ina Raseuki (Ubiet), Lintu Tulistyantoro, Johannes Widodo
Penerbit: Jurusan Sastra Tionghoa, Fakultas Sastra, universitas Kristen Petra, Surabaya, 2003

Sedjarahnja: Souw Beng Kong, Phoa Beng Gan, Oey Tamba Sia

Sedjarahnja: Souw Beng Kong, Phoa Beng Gan, Oey Tamba Sia

Penerbit: NV Penerbit dan Pertjetakan "Reporter", Djakarta, 1956

(Etnis Tionghoa, Sejarah, Tokoh)

Pelangi Cina di Indonesia

Pelangi Cina di Indonesia

Editor: Helen Iswara
Penerbit: PT Intisari Mediatama, 2002

(Indonesia, Etnis Tionghoa)

Sabtu, 27 Juni 2015

Overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia --- A Russian Study

Overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia --- A Russian Study

Data Paper No. 45

Penulis: Nadar A. Simoniya
Penerbit: Southeast Asia Program, Department of Far Eastern Studies, Cornell University, 1961

The National Status of the Chinese in Indonesia

The National Status of the Chinese in Indonesia

Interim Report Series

Penulis: Donald E. Willmott
Penerbit: Modern Indonesia Project, Southeast Asia Program, Department of Far Eastern Studies, Cornell University, 1956

The Position of the Chinese in Southeast Asia

The Position of the Chinese in Southeast Asia

a paper of the Eleventh Conference Institute of Pacific Relations, Lucknow, India, October 3-15, 1950

Penulis: Victor Purcell
Penerbit: International Secretariat, Institute of Pacific Relations, New York, 1950

Chinese-Indonesian Social Distance as Perceived by Third Grade Senior High Scool Students in Three Selected Areas, Jakarta, Indonesia

Chinese-Indonesian Social Distance as Perceived by Third Grade Senior High Scool Students in Three Selected Areas, Jakarta, Indonesia

Penulis: Diao Ai Lien
Penerbit: Pusat Penelitian Unika Atma Jaya, Jakarta, 1985

(Jakarta, Etnis Tionghoa, Jarak Sosial, Antaretnik, Sekolah Menengah)

Concise Dictionary of Spoken Chinese 国语字典

Concise Dictionary of Spoken Chinese 国语字典

Penulis: Chao Yuen Ren, Yang Lien Sheng
Penerbit: Harvard-Yenching Institute, Harvard University Press, 1961

(Bahasa Mandarin, Percakapan, Kamus)

Jumat, 26 Juni 2015

Principles of Chinese Painting, with Illustrations from the Du Bois Schanck Morris Collection

Principles of Chinese Painting, with Illustrations from the Du Bois Schanck Morris Collection

Penulis: George Rowley
Penerbit: Princeton University Press, New Jersey, 1947

(China, Lukisan)

Bunga Buddhisme Cina

Bunga Buddhisme Cina

Penulis: Daisaku Ikeda
Judul asli: Zoku Watakushi no Bunkkyokan (My View of Buddhism, Continued)
Penerjemah: Ny Ediati Kamil
Penerbit: Indira, Jakarta, 1992



Penulis: 孙武 【春秋】
Editor: 陈书凯
Penerbit: 蓝天出版社, 北京, 2010

(China, Seni Perang, Sun Tzu)

孙子兵法 (彩色图文本)

孙子兵法 (彩色图文本)

Penulis: -
Penerbit: 岳麓书社, 长沙, 2005

(China, Seni Perang, Sun Tzu)

China Dawn (Geliat Sang Naga): Cerita mengenai Revolusi Teknologi dan Bisnis

China Dawn (Geliat Sang Naga): Cerita mengenai Revolusi Teknologi dan Bisnis

Penulis: David Sheff
Judul asli: China Dawn
Penerjemah: Alexander Sindoro
Penerbit: Interaksara, Batam, 2003

(China, Ekonomi, Teknologi)

Big Dragon. China's Future: What It Means for Business, the Economy, and the Global Order

Big Dragon. China's Future: What It Means for Business, the Economy, and the Global Order

Penulis: Daniel Burstein, Arne De Keijzer
Penerbit: Simon & Schuster, 1998

(China, Ekonomi)