Kamis, 25 Juni 2015

The Rise of the Chinese Republic: from the Last Emperor to Deng Xiaoping

The Rise of the Chinese Republic: from the Last Emperor to Deng Xiaoping

Penulis: Edwin P. Hoyt
Penerbit: Da Capo Press, 1991

1. Collapse of the old
2. The Taiping Rebellion
3. The decline of the Manchus
4. The revolution of 1911
5. The warlords
6. Making revolutionaries
7. The rise of the Guomindang
8. Gathering unity
9. The northern expedition
10. Confrontation
11. The road of the communists
12. Chiang consolidates his power
13. The collapse of the Red Army
14. Enter the Japanese
15. The blood of China
16. The long march
17. Incident at Xi'an
18. The united front
19. United front against Japan - but not very
20. The nationalist war
21. Japan's China
22. Mao's way
23. Postwar crisis
24. The civil war
25. The long war
26. The Chinese conquer China
27. The People's Republic of China
28. The terror
29. The Korean war
30. Let a hundred flowers bloom
31. The Great Leap Forward
32. Quarrels
33. The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution
34. The Gang of Four
35. The rise of Deng Xiaoping
36. Toward a new China.

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